I am a postdoctoral fellow at Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica. My research interest is to build intelligent applications, which model data for understanding users’ status clearly, and provide people with better services, by utilizing methods in natural language processing and machine learning techniques. My Ph.D. work started from a personalized learning platform in the field of artificial intelligence in education. I have developed computational algorithms to generate personalized multiple-choice questions, machine learning techniques to measure the readability of a reading material, statistical approaches to identify a user’s proficiency level, and linguistic rules to generate questions automatically. These can automatically identify users’ prior knowledge, tailor assistance to meet their initial needs, and then remove this aid when they acquire sufficient skills.
I currently work with Dr. Meng Chang Chen and Prof. Yeali S. Sun. Previously, I was an assistant research fellow in Research Center for Testing and Assessment, National Academy for Educational Research, Taiwan. I was a visiting scholar at Carnegie Mellon University, where I was hosted by Prof. Jack Mostow.